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Monitoring and Assessment Framework for the Jordan Compact – Second Report

The European Union

This report presents the second Independent Monitor’s Assessment being undertaken by Agulhas of the commitments made by the Government of Jordan and the International Community under the Jordan Compact and at subsequent Brussels meetings in 2017, 2018 and 2019. This is a narrative report on progress to date against the indicators in the Monitoring and Assessment Framework, supplemented by qualitative assessments by the Independent Monitor. It includes summaries of the key messages from the full monitoring and assessment report produced in March 2019.

For the first Assessment Report and Monitoring Framework, please click here.

The Agulhas team was made of Peter Grant (Agulhas senior fellow and team leader), Bryon Gillespie, Giulia di Porcia and Theodora Yeung. To know more about this project get in touch with us at contact@agulhas.co.uk.


Read the report


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