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Ending conflict and building peace in Africa, A call to action (AfDB)

African Development Bank

Ending conflict and building peace in Africa, A call to action

Agulhas supported High-Level Panel on Fragile States in Africa with the drafting of report, which aim to review the likely sources of fragility in Africa in the coming years and make recommendations both for the African Development Bank and the wider policy community as to how they should be tackled. Africa is changing at an extraordinary speed. This report comes at a critical time in light of the current emerging and new conflict on the continent. In the coming period, the combined pressures of a growing population, environmental change and rapid economic growth will transform the lives and livelihoods of Africans at an unprecedented pace. These changes are in many respects positive, providing the impetus for Africa’s continuing development. But with change also comes risk. Rapid urbanisation, youth unemployment, inequality and social exclusion, new natural resource finds and a changing climate all have the potential to place African societies under considerable strain. Urgent attention must be given to the transition of national movements into state-building and peace-building processes.

Areas of Expertise:

Conflict and fragility

  • Conflict assessment and reduction
  • State and institution building
  • Human rights protection


  • Political systems and democratic process
  • Security and justice
  • Civil society

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