Development of Governance Performance Assessment Framework for Kenya
This framework integrated monitoring Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper targets with regional and corporate DFID objectives, and used a variety of internal and external performance indicators. DFID corporately committed itself to building a more coherent “ladder” of performance management, linking DFID’s inputs at country level to outputs, outcomes and the eventual impact on poverty.
The framework developed by Agulhas seeks to bring all these together in support of DFID’s work in Kenya. Guidance on Country Assistance Planning set out that in a country with a PRSP such as Kenya, Output and Outcome targets would logically be set as part of the PRSP. These Indictors were then organised into the seven TSP capabilities and then SDA targets, each following the other. The TSP capabilities were used because they comprehensively cover DFID’s Governance agenda.
The framework used a knowledge management approach to integrate a variety of data sources. This approach was presented to DFID’s Kenya office and was later presented to all DFID Governance Advisers as part of their annual retreat.
Areas of Expertise:
Aid policy
- Aid effectiveness
- Institutional change and Capacity building
- Civil Society
- Political economy analysis
- Security and justice