Review of the African Development Bank’s contributions in the governance arena in Africa.
Strengthening governance remains a critical priority for Africa, underlying the goal of sustained and inclusive economic growth and poverty reduction. Building capable government institutions, and in particular sound economic and financial management, is key to the effective delivery of public services and achievement of the Millennium Development Goals.
Agulhas took part in Development Effectiveness Review that presents the results of Bank’s efforts in the governance arena over the past five years. It finds that African Development Bank has made a substantial contribution in a number of areas, including strengthening public financial governance, domestic revenue collection, the business environment, sound macroeconomic management, and transparency and accountability. Budget support has emerged as a key platform for dialogue on governance issues. However, more complex reforms in areas such as public financial management will take more time to deliver.
Areas of Expertise
Aid policy
- Aid effectiveness
- Performance management and accountability
- Institutional change and capacity building