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Girl Hub: a DFID and Nike Foundation Initiative (ICAI)

Independent Commission for Aid Impact

Review of Girl Hub – DFID and Nike Foundation Initiative

This is a review of Girl Hub, a joint initiative between DFID and Nike Foundation. Girl Hub was established in February 2010 to help decision-makers and donors do more to address the needs and rights of adolescent girls. Girl Hub aims to be a catalyst. It intends to combine DFID’s development expertise and global reach with Nike Foundation’s experience working in the field of adolescent girls, its communications skills and its approach to business planning and innovation to empower girls and to influence donors and governments.

The purpose of the review was to examine how effectively and efficiently the Girl Hub partnership is delivering impact and whether it should be used as a model for future partnerships.

This report was prepared by ICAI with the assistance of KPMG LLP, Agulhas Applied Knowledge, Center for Effective Global Action (CEGA) and the Swedish Institute for Public Administration (SIPU International).

Areas of Expertise

Aid policy

  • Aid effectiveness
  • Aid architecture
  • Performance management and accountability


  • Civil society

Conflict and fragility

  • Human rights protection

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