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The effects of DFID’s cash transfer programmes on poverty and vulnerability


Independent Commission for Aid Impact

In this review, the ICAI/Agulhas team looked at the impact of DFID’s cash transfer programmes on poverty reduction over the period 2011 to 2015.

The review found that DFID’s cash transfers have succeeded in their core objective of raising income and consumption levels. Cash transfer programming offers good value for money, and there may be value in scaling up funding towards national coverage.

However, the review also found that  DFID needs to define its strategic approach to strengthen cash transfer programmes and that it needs to improve performance against its secondary objectives such as promoting education, health, nutrition and women’s empowerment.

Country Case Studies: Bangladesh and Rwanda.

The review will be discussed at the International Development Committee (IDC) in Parliament.

Media Coverage: The Guardian, The TelegraphDaily Mail, Mirror

Areas of Expertise

Aid policy

  • Performance management and accountability
  • Aid effectiveness

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