Thematic synthesis and country studies for the Asian Regional Forum on Aid Effectiveness in Manila
An Agulhas team prepared a set of 5 thematic and 13 country case studies (plus overall synthesis) for the Asian Regional Forum on Aid Effectiveness in Manila.
The case studies examined experience in Asia with implementing the Paris Declaration, and produced evidence and lessons learned under each of the five main Paris principles. They assessed the performance of both donor agencies and partner countries.
The exercise involved a comprehensive review of available literature, including donor policies, as well as country-based analysis and interviews with a wide range of donor and partner stakeholders.
Countries included were Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Philippines and Vietnam.
We reported to a Steering Committee of AsDB, DFID, Japan and World Bank.
Areas of Expertise
Aid policy
- Aid effectiveness
- Aid architecture
- Performance management and accountability
Conflict and fragility
- Disaster preparedness